PERPUSTAKAAN Prof. Dr. Nurcholish Madjid

UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta

Gender inequality of female characters and the resistance in bird summons

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The research aims to discuss the portrayal of gender inequality in Bird Summons
novel by Leila Aboulela and how the novel resist the idea of gender inequality. This
research uses qualitative study to analyse the data collected from the novel in form
of words, sentences, and paragraph. This novel describes the unequal rights and
roles between women and men such as the right to express opinions, the right to
self-determination, and the unequal distribution of roles in life. However, this novel
also presents various forms of resistance through conversations and tropes. The
theory of gender inequality by Mansour Fakih is used to portray the gender
inequality that occur in the novel. The research also uses Naomi Wolf’s power
feminism theory to analyse the resistance of gender inequality in the novel. As the
result, the novel portrays gender inequality in five forms which are marginalization,
subordination, stereotype, violence, and burden. It also reveals that the novel resist
the idea of gender inequality using clothes which are a symbol of self-expressions,
animal which is a symbol of freedom, and the Hoopoe which is a symbol of
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