PERPUSTAKAAN Prof. Dr. Nurcholish Madjid

UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta

Resilience and identity in the breadwinner (2017): a barthesian Approach to symbolism and metaphor

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This study analyzes the use of symbols and metaphors in the film The Breadwinner (2017) to
reveal complex stories of resilience, identity, and hope amid conditions of oppression, using
Roland Barthes' semiotic approach. The Breadwinner tells the story of a young girl named
Parvana's struggle in Afghanistan under the Taliban regime, where she must disguise herself as
a boy to sustain her life and that of her family. Through symbolic analysis, this research
explores how visual elements function as signs that carry deep meanings of identity deprivation
and resistance to patriarchal norms. The research also examines Parvana's use of folklore as a
metaphor for her own struggles, representing hope and imaginative power in the face of harsh
realities. Using a Barthesian approach, this research reveals that The Breadwinner is not only
a narrative of survival, but also a modern myth of women's courage in negotiating identity and
freedom in the midst of oppression. The film uses symbols and metaphors to frame Parvana's
journey as part of a universal struggle for dignity and hope, articulated through a powerful and
meaningful story.
SI24012SKR BSITersedia
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SKR BSI 24012


Fakultas Adab dan Humaniora UIN Syarif Hidayatullah : Jakarta.,

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