Toelf exam workbook tahun 2000
Marilyn J. Rymniak - Personal Name
Janet Shanks - Personal Name
The staff of kaplan educational centers - Personal Name

Kaplan's TOEFL Exam Workbook with 3 Audio CDs provides practice for the TOEFL® exam and a complete review of all the material on both the paper-based and computer-based TOEFL® exam. This review, along with Kaplan's powerful test-taking strategies, makes this book a highly effective tool to help you score higher on the TOEFL® exam and make yourself more competitive for admission to an American university.
R2539 | R 425 MAR t c1 | Perpustakaan FAH (Referensi) | Tersedia namun tidak untuk dipinjamkan - No Loan |
Informasi Detil
Judul Seri
No. Panggil
R 425 MAR t
Kaplan Books : New York., 2000
Deskripsi Fisik
xii, 538 hlm, 27,6 x 21,3 cm
0 684 87096
R 425
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