PERPUSTAKAAN Prof. Dr. Nurcholish Madjid

UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta

Advanced grammar in use: a self-study reference and practice book for advanced leaners of english with answers tahun 2002

Image of Advanced grammar in use: a self-study reference and practice book for advanced leaners of english with answers tahun 2002
This book for advanced students combines reference grammar and practice exercises in a single volume.

* Easy to use: on each left-hand page a grammar point is explained and on the facing page there are exercises to check understanding.

* Additional exercises at the back of the book offer more challenging and contrastive practice of grammar points from different units.

* Provides coverage of those language areas advanced-level students will find most rewarding to study.

Designed for self-study: with the help of the study guide, learners can choose and study those points which they find difficult.

* Contents list and detailed index ensure that users can easily find the unit(s) they need.

Key section contains answers to all the exercises.

* Appendices deal with passive forms, quotation, irregular verbs and typical errors.
B2583425 MAR a c1Perpustakaan FAH (400)Tersedia
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425 MAR a


Erlangga : Jakarta.,

Deskripsi Fisik

ix, 340 hlm, 24,7 x 19,1 cm




979 688 232 9



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