PERPUSTAKAAN Prof. Dr. Nurcholish Madjid

UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta

Involuntary Migrant’s Trauma In His House (2020) Film

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This research aims to understand the involuntary migrant traumatic events of Bol, the main
character in His House (2020) film. Using the qualitative descriptive analysis, semiotics of
Charles Sanders Peirce, and acting-out concept of Dominick LaCapra, it was found that the

terror of the monster that haunts Bol is related to traumatic events that he encountered in pre-
immigration, during immigration, and after immigration. Therefore, the monster that haunted

him classified as a sign, which was later analyzed using the second trichotomy of icon, index,
and symbol. Based on Peirce’s analysis, the terror of the monster in the form of a scream
related to the chaos in the homeland, and the burnt monster associated with the conflict in the
homeland. Furthermore, the sound of help, the terror of the anchor rope, and the nightmare
were related to the shipwreck during immigration. In addition, the sound of the dead child
and the reappearance of the dead child in Bol’s daydream were associated with the death of
his relatives during immigration. Moreover, it was also found that the terror of the monster
wears a similar mask to Bol’s homeland mask related to the dispersal from his community as
a traumatic event for Bol.
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