PERPUSTAKAAN Prof. Dr. Nurcholish Madjid

UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta

An Analysis Of Lexical Cohesion In Ahmed Deedat's Speech Entitled: Should Salman Rushdie Die? The Islamic Verdict

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This study discusses the lexical cohesion contained in Ahmad Deedat's
speech text. This study has two objectives, to find out the lexical cohesion device
with the theory put forward by Halliday and Hasan, and to find out the degree of
cohesiveness in Ahmad Deedat's speech entitled Should Salman Rushdie Die? The
Islamic Verdict uses the Scinto formula. The data was taken from a speech video
on one of the organization's YouTube channels founded by Ahmad Deedat, namely
IPCI. The method used mix methods. The results showed that the cohesive devices
found throughout the article were 70% repetition, 9.82% synonyms, 1.7%
hyponymy, 10.68% collocation, 0.42% antonyms, and 7.26% meronymy. That way,
this study found that the text of the speech has a high level of cohesiveness.
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