PERPUSTAKAAN Prof. Dr. Nurcholish Madjid

UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta

An introduction to language

Image of An introduction to language
Chapter 1 and 2, on morphology and syntax, have been heavily rewritten for increased clarity, while weaving in new results that reflect current thinking on how words and sentences are structured and understood. Chapter 3, on semantics or meaning, has been more highly structuralized so that the challenging topics of this complex subject can be digested in smaller pieces. Chapter 4 , on phonetics, retains its former organization with one significant change : we have totally embraced IPA (international phonetics association) notation for english in keeping with current tendecies, with the sole exception for using / r / in place of the techincally correct / r /. Chapter 5, on phonology, has been streamlined by relegating several complex examples (e.g., metathesis in hebrew) to the exercises, where instructors can opt to include them if it is thought that students can handle such advanced material. Chapter 6 is a concise introduction to the general study of language. Chapter 7, "language acquisition," is still rech in data from both english and other languages, and has been updated with newer example from the ever expanding research in this vital topic. In chapter 8, the section on psycholinguistics has been updated to conform to recent discoveries. Readers of previous editions will scarcely recognize the much revised and rewritten chapter 9. Chapter 10, on language change, has undergone a few changes. Chapter 11, on writing systems, is unchanged from the previous edition with the exception of a mild rewriting to further improve clarity, and the movement of the section in reading to chapter 9.
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