PERPUSTAKAAN Prof. Dr. Nurcholish Madjid

UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta

The Identity Crisis of Parvaiz Pasha Portrayed in Kamila Shamsie's Home Fire

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This research aims to analyze Parvaiz’s identity crisis as the main character in the Home Fire novel while constructing his identity through the four statuses of identity theory by James Marcia. This research uses the qualitative method. The instrument used in this research is a data card to help the researcher by reading, analyzing, and interpreting the data of the research problem in Kamila Shamsie’s novel Home Fire. The researcher uses the theory of character and characterization by Richard Gill to analyze Parvaiz’s character and the psychological criticism primarily on the four statuses of identity theory by James Marcia to analyze Parvaiz’s identity crisis while forming his identity. This research concludes that Parvaiz has undergone an identity crisis and chose to return home and live with his two sisters as his solid identity after undergoing a crisis period rather than following his father’s legacy as a Jihadi. Parvaiz’s identity formation in the novel can be seen through Marcia’s four statuses of identity. At the diffusion stage, Parvaiz lived with his sisters in Britain and spent his time on sound recording. At the foreclosure stage, Parvaiz starts to deepen his interest in sound recording and wants to reveal information about his father. At the moratorium stage, Parvaiz realizes that being a Jihadi media member is a big mistake, and he also does not get any information about his father figure. Then, at the achievement stage, Parvaiz makes a firm commitment to return home and live with his sister in Britain.
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SKR BSI 2022 04


Fakultas Adab dan Humaniora UIN Syarif Hidayatullah : Jakarta.,

Deskripsi Fisik

viii, 62 hlm.; ilus.: 25 cm






SKR BSI 2022

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