PERPUSTAKAAN Prof. Dr. Nurcholish Madjid

UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta

Resisting gender discrimination in mohja kahf the girl in the tangerine scarf

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This research aims to discover Khadra's resistance to the gender discrimination that she experienced as a Syrian-American Muslim woman in Mohja Kahf's novel, The Girl In The Tangerine Scarf. This research uses a descriptive qualitative method to analyze and investigates the research problems. The instrument of this research is the writer itself as the research subject by collecting, reading, identifying, and analyzing data collected from the novel. The writer also uses secondary data from related resources like books, e-books, article journals, and websites to support this research's conclusion. This research focuses on the whole sentence and dialogue in the novel with two problems: first, gender discrimination experienced by the main character, Khadra. And the second is Khadra's resistance to the existing gender discrimination. All of the data collected will be analyzed using the liberal feminism theory by Naomi Wolf.
This research results that Khadra's character cannot remain silent in receiving discriminatory treatment. She became more courageous in speaking up and fighting against the gender discrimination that afflicts her. Khadra experiences various forms of gender discrimination in society, school, her homeland, her family, and her marriage. Moreover, Khadra also does some resistance as an effort to reject the gender discrimination she has received. The writer finds three forms of Khadra resistance: physical and verbal resistance, cultural resistance, and resistance through independence. Khadra's character is proof of women's awareness of the rights and freedoms that should be obtained
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SKR BSI 22312


Fakultas Adab dan Humaniora UIN Syarif Hidayatullah : Jakarta.,

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viIi, 73 hlm, ilusi; 25 cm







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