PERPUSTAKAAN Prof. Dr. Nurcholish Madjid

UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta

Understanding and using english grammar : fourth edition

Image of Understanding and using english grammar : fourth edition
A classic developmental skills text for intermediate to advanced students of English, Understanding and Using English Grammar is a comprehensive reference grammar as well as a stimulating and teachable classroom text.

While keeping the same basic approach and material as in earlier editions, the Fourth Edition more fully develops communicative and interactive language-learning activities. Some of the new features are:
Innovative warm-up exercises that precede the grammar charts and introduce points to be taught
Structure-based listening exercises ranging from casual speech to academic content
Academic readings that highlight the targeted grammar structures
Greatly expanded speaking practice with extensive pair, group and class work
Corpus-informed syllabus that reflects the discourse patterns of spoken and written English
Audio CDs and listening script in the back of the Student Book
B220902425 BET u c1Perpustakaan FAH (400)Tersedia
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425 BET u


Pearson longman : New York.,

Deskripsi Fisik

xiii, 530 hlm, 25,7 x 20,4 cm







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