PERPUSTAKAAN Prof. Dr. Nurcholish Madjid

UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta

The struggle of an afghanistan woman against the patriarchal system in homeira qaderi’s memoir of dancing in the mosque: an afghan mother's letter to her son

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This thesis explores the relationship between gender and nature from the patriarchal viewpoint. This thesis investigates Homeira Qaderi’s Dancing in the Mosque: An Afghan Mother's Letter to Her Son (2020) as the primary text. The memoir depicted the gender issue of an Afghanistan Muslim woman, specifically the character of Homeira. This thesis aims for enriching the knowledge of ecofeminism and the impact of the patriarchal system through popular literary written work. The discussion of the thesis is divided into two parts. The first part describes how the depiction of Afghanistan Muslim women who experienced the patriarchal system in the memoir. Then, in the second part, the thesis describes how the memoir challenges patriarchal oppression through the symbols.
The result of this study discovered that Homeira become a victim of a male-dominated system in any aspect of her life. It is because the patriarchy has a relation to the family, the culture, the male violence, and the state. Several aspects of nature and women as the feminine aspect become the source of woman's oppression by the masculine because of the biological aspect of reproducing, nurturing, and breastfeeding. As a woman, Homeira only expected to get married, pregnant, and do domestic chores. Because of male domination and control over women, Homeira should live as a marginalized person for many years. Then, Homeira realized she should resist the patriarchal system that oppresses her. The memoir depicted her struggle through many symbols as a literary device. A symbol of books and stories is used to show Homeira's struggle for having higher education. Meanwhile, the symbol of nature such as the wing, bird, phoenix, and spider are used to show Homeira’s struggle for having the freedom to achieve gender equality.
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Fakulas Adab UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta : Jakarta.,

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Viii, 57hlm, ilusi; 25 cm







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