PERPUSTAKAAN Prof. Dr. Nurcholish Madjid

UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta

Praktik tasawuf abuya dimyathi (1975-2003)

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This thesis contains a study on The Practice of Sufism by Abuya Dimyathi (1975-2003). Abuya Dimyathi is a great cleric from Banten who died in 2003, but his name is still fondly remembered by the people of Banten to this day. He was a Proficient scholar in various Islamic scholarship and a murshid of the Syadziliyah tariqa of Banten. Abuya Dimyathi has a high social position in the life of the people of Banten. He has studied with great scholars among Bantenese and Javanese. Abuya is also known as a great scholar from the Sufi circle whose daily life was surrounded by Sufism teachings. Since childhood, Abuya Dimyathi has been taught to practice sufi teachings. Even when he was studying at several Islamic boarding schools, where he studied with scholars from the Sufi circles.
The historical method is used to capture the practice of Sufism of Abuya Dimyathi. I use literary sources of Abuya’s books combined with interviewing and sources used by the author are by reviewing the books written by Abuya Dimyathi, interviewing his children and students, and going into the field to find sources related to this research.
This study found that Abuya Dimyathi's life was filled with deep Sufi teachings. His reputation as a strong practitioner of Sufism is evidenced by his worship practices and daily life. Until his passing away in 2003, he was istiqomah fasting all year long, practiced 7 types of dhikr, and applied Sufistic-based education to his children. Abuya Dimyathi was also a murshid of three major tariqas namely Qodariyah wa Naqsyabandiyah, Khalwatiyah and Syadziliyah. Abuya Dimyathi's practice of Sufism has its characteristics that distinguish him from other Sufism scholars.
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Fakultas Adab dan Humaniora UIN Syarif Hidayatullah : Jakarta.,

Deskripsi Fisik

viii, 63 hlm, ilusi; 25 cm







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