PERPUSTAKAAN Prof. Dr. Nurcholish Madjid

UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta

The depiction of human and nature relationship in gareth evans’ apostle (2018) film

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Environmental crisis and climate change have becoming one of many major
concerns in the last few decades and that made ecocriticism as a common theme
in literary works and pop culture for the last few decades in response to the said
phenomenon. This analysis aims to find out how Apostle (2018) depicts the
relationship between human beings and nature by examining the film through ecocritic
lenses. The method used in this research is Close Analysis method with ecocritic
approach by using Roach’s concept of Mother Nature followed by
secondary data sources derived from scholarly articles. The results founds out that
the film depicts the relationship between human and nature trough the relationship
between the characters with the Goddess of the island. Moreover, the relationship
between human and nature in Apostle (2018) is divided into three perspective;
Nature as Good Mother, Nature as Bad Mother, and Nature as Hurt Mother. In
addition, this analysis shows that not only did the relationship between human and
nature affecting the nature or the environment itself, the relationship between
human with each other also indirectly affecting the well-being of nature or
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