PERPUSTAKAAN Prof. Dr. Nurcholish Madjid

UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta

The representation of female superhero character in wonder woman movie

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Wonder Woman is a superhero film originating from the United States in 2017. The focus of this research is the representation of female superheroes in the Wonder Woman film. Wonder Woman film depicts women who take on several roles that were previously dominated by men. Researchers try to answer associations with women's representations of reality, nature, behavior, and appearance of work or activities. The researcher uses descriptive qualitative method by using the Representation theory proposed by Stuart Hall through language to convey something to others. With Representation theory, the researcher wants to describe how the female superhero character is depicted in the Wonder Woman (2017) movie. This study shows that the female superhero in the film that is the object of research is shown as a figure who has androgynous nature, which has the sides of femininity and masculinity at the same time. She also played an important role in the Film. In addition, the stereotype about women that appears in this film is that women have the freedom to have a career and lead, but still have a female side that stands out. At the same time, in the relationship between the female superhero and the male protagonist, there is an equal power relationship. The Wonder Woman film also shows a representation that women take jobs or activities, traits, and behaviors that were previously played by men in the film, both in narrative and character.
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SKR BSI 22023


Fakultas Adab dan Humaniora UIN Syarif Hidayatullah : Jakarta.,

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vii, 41 hlm, ilusi; 25 cm







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