PERPUSTAKAAN Prof. Dr. Nurcholish Madjid

UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta

The representation of an iranian queer muslim teenager in arvin ahmadi’s how it all blew up

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This research examined the representation of an Iranian queer Muslim teenager in Arvin Ahmadi’s How it All Blew Up and how the novel the sufferings of an Iranian queer Muslim teenager through symbolism as its aesthetic strategy. The type of this research is descriptive qualitative which examines the primary data with a qualitative approach and descriptive method. This research used Stuart Hall’s theory of representation and Chris Barker’s queer theory. The data analysis technique in this research are data collection from the novel, investigation of the representation of an Iranian queer Muslim teenager and symbolism to represent the sufferings of an Iranian queer Muslim teenager, and then data analysis with Stuart Hall’s theory of representation and Chris Barker’s queer theory. This research discovered five representations of the protagonist character in the novel, namely Amir is represented as an Iranian queer Muslim that was born to Iranian Muslim immigrant family, an Iranian queer Muslim that grew up in a Muslim family that did not strictly implementing Islamic teachings, an irreligious Iranian queer Muslim, an Iranian queer Muslim that was attracted to people of the same sex, and an Iranian queer Muslim that struggled with his family’s acceptance of his queerness. This research discovered four symbols that are used to represent the suffering of an Iranian queer Muslim teenager, namely symbol of fortress, symbol of tunnel, symbol of tattoo, and symbol of wall.
Keywords: Queer, Muslim, Iranian, Representation, Arvin Ahmadi.
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