PERPUSTAKAAN Prof. Dr. Nurcholish Madjid

UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta

Collocation translation of elizabeth gilbert’s novel eat pray love translated to makan do’a cinta by silamurti nugroho

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This study aims to explain collocations and their translations, in this case identifying and analyzing translations from English to Indonesian. The unit analysis of this research is a novel written by Elizabeth Gilbert which was published in 2006 by The Penguin Group in New York Eat Pray Love and the Indonesian translated Makan Do’a Cinta by Silamurti Nugroho published in the year 2010 by Abdi Tandur. This research was designed as qualitative research. The sources of the data in this study were utterances that contain collocation in English and their translation in Indonesian. According to the data result of this study are twenty-two collocations in the novel, there are seventeen lexical collocations and five grammatical collocations. From the data above, the translator used lexical collocation as a translation method to translate collocation. Generally, lexical collocation is equivalent to English collocation informal style. Meanwhile, the grammatical collocation is equivalent to the grammatical style in the English collocations. Therefore, it can be said that both methods used by the translator serve as possible the meaning equivalence between the original text and target text.
Keywords: Translation Collocation, Grammatical Collocation, Lexical Collocation.
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SKR BSI 220005


Fakultas Adab dan Humaniora UIN Syarif Hidayatullah : JAKRTA.,

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