PERPUSTAKAAN Prof. Dr. Nurcholish Madjid

UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta

The 19th century’s hegemonic masculinity depicted in tv series dickinson season 1

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The aim of this research is to investigate how hegemonic masculinity is depicted in Dickinson season 1 and how the TV series challenges hegemonic masculinity. The writer uses descriptive qualitative method in this research supported with the theory of hegemonic masculinity by Raewyn Connell. This research also uses the theory of characterization by Dennis Petrie and Joe Boggs in analyzing the characteristics of the two main characters. The result shows that 1) Edward Dickinson, as the main male character, is described as tough, ambitious and authoritarian meanwhile Emily Dickinson, as the main female character, is described as fearless, hard-working and strong-willed; 2) Edward Dickinson in TV series Dickinson season 1 embodies hegemonic masculinity traits such as authority, aggression, technical competence and subordination of women; and 3) the TV series tries to challenge hegemonic masculinity as it is presented by the main female character, Emily Dickinson. In conclusion, the portrayal of hegemonic masculinity through the main male character in TV series Dickinson season 1 is challenged by having the main female character rebels over her hegemonic father who tries to prevent her to go outside of domestic sphere.
Keywords: Dickinson, Gender Studies, Hegemonic Masculinity, Patriarchy, Television Series.
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