PERPUSTAKAAN Prof. Dr. Nurcholish Madjid

UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta

Class struggle in maze runner (the death cure) film

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This research is aimed at taking to analyze how class struggle happened in the maze runner (the death cure) film. This study uses the qualitative method is a method of research that has a purpose to understand the phenomenon which is experienced by the subject of the research such as behavior, perception, action, etc., the author collects data of research taken from takes screenshots of several scenes related to analysis and the dialogue of the film. The utilized theories in this research are Marxism and the writer explained in detail the class social, both the bourgeoisie and proletarian that can cause the conflict in the film based on Marxism theory. The result of this research shows how class struggle that happened in the film with the problem of social class in this film that is an exploitation of the upper classes (bourgeoisie), namely the organization named wicked to the lower classes (proletariat), namely the youth and society who never get justice. Therefore, there was a rebellion movement from young people and the community (proletariat) to fight for their social status.
SI21028SKR BSI 21028Perpustakaan FAH (SKRIPSI BSI)Tersedia namun tidak untuk dipinjamkan - No Loan
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SKR BSI 21028


Fakultas Adab dan Humaniora UIN Syarif Hidayatullah : Jakarta.,

Deskripsi Fisik

vi, 30 hml, ilus; 25 cm







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