PERPUSTAKAAN Prof. Dr. Nurcholish Madjid

UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta

An analysis of the directive illocutionary act and the felicity condition in the film the fault in our stars by john green

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Conversation is not always about talking, but it is also about knowing each
other. Before we want to utter something, firstly we have to understand idea or
information. It called speech act which divides into 3 (three) types may are
locutionary, illocutionary, and perlocutionary act according to John R. Searle
theory. However, before we do the act, we also need to know whether the
speaker‘s is felicitous or not from the beginning. Will the speaker be able to
understand the information that he wants to ask? The writer uses a developed
theory of John R. Searle called felicity condition.
In this research, the writer wants to discover what types of directive
illocutionary act and their process of felicity condition are in the film The Fault in
Our Stars by John Green which she takes from the movie and the script from 20th
Century Fox websites. The study aims to understand deeply about the various
types of directive illocutionary act and to comprehend them by studying their
process of felicity condition to make sure whether they are felicitous or
The result of this research is most of directive illocutionary act uttered by
Augustus Waters because he wants to approach toward Hazel Grace. This lover is
being in a quite complicated relationship because of their sickness which cannot
be avoided. And most of felicity condition of their directive is rarely infelicitous
because it depends on the situation and information between the speaker and the
hearer because the speaker cannot know the hearer‘s information if they do not
know each other well enough.
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SKR BSI 16059


Fakultas Adab dan Humaniora UIN Syarif Hidayatullah : Jakarta.,

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