PERPUSTAKAAN Prof. Dr. Nurcholish Madjid

UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta

The translation strategy on malay pantun in siti nurbaya, a love unrealized novel by george a, fowller

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DewiWulan Sari. Translation strategy on Malay Pantun in Siti Nurbaya, A Love
Unrealized Novel By George A. Fowller. Thesis. Jakarta: English Letters
Department, Adab and Humanities Faculty, State Islamic University Syarif
Hidayatullah, 2017.
In this research, the writer analyzed about pantun translation strategies from the novel Siti Nurbaya, A Love Unrealized translated by George A. its source language version under title Siti Nurbaya, Kasih Tak Sampai by Marah Rusli. This research aimed to know about the pantun translation strategies on novel from source language into target language. The writer used qualitative descriptive method andanalyzed it by; reading the novel, marking the pantuntext, and analyzing its translation strategy based on the theory from Kristantohadi, Suryawinata, and Sugeng Hariyanto. The result of this research showed that there were nine translation strategies found in translating the pantun; addition on structure for twenty eight, one for reduction on structure and transposition, nine on cultural equivalent, thirteen on component analysis, reduction on semantic for two, nineteen on expansion, five on increasing, forty four on modulation, and four on deletion. From all data, there were the strategy in rhythm shifting on TL is found six lines that ware not in accordance with the syllables rules in pantun ware spoken by Kristantohadi theory (eight until eleventh syllables), because the translator in these six lines produces seven and thirteen syllables in TL. And strategy in rhyme shifting writer found seven stanzas not produced AB-AB form. Thus, although some of the rhythm and rhyme on stanzas in TL was not the same as in the SL that affected on the aesthetic values of the original pantun, the translation result was successed in maintaining on meaning of the source language to target language.
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SKR BSI 2017


Fakultas Adab dan Humaniora UIN Syarif Hidayatullah : fakultas Adab dan Humaniora.,

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vii, 118 hlm







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