PERPUSTAKAAN Prof. Dr. Nurcholish Madjid

UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta

Hope in emily dickinson's poetry

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Aphriliana Dian Sadhewi, Hope in Emily Dickinson‘s Poetry. A Thesis: English
Language and Literature Department. Adab and Humanities Faculty, State Islamic
University Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta, 2017.
This study concerns on the meaning of Emily Dickinson’s poems—and the
correlation between Emily’s poems and the condition of the poet when she wrote the
poems. The object of the research is two Dickinson’s poems: Hope is the Thing with
Feathers, and This is My Letter to the World. This research aims to understand the
meaning of two poems of Emily and to describe the correlation between the poet and
her condition in that time when she wrote two selected poems. Qualitative method
and the expressive theory are used in this study. It is found that in the first poem tells
about hope of life that the poet depicted through the symbol ―bird‖. It is pointing the
experiences of the speaker even in the toughest temptation; she has hoped to live her
or his life. In the second poem portrays about hope that through the word ―letter‖. As
the conclusion, the writers found in two Dickinson’s poems have the same concept of
hope, and it has also the correlation between the poems and its personality
background. She emphasized people that she hopes for existent of her literary works
to be everlasting life, especially her poetry, so that the world knows he
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SKR BSI 2017


Fakultas Adab dan Humaniora UIN Syarif Hidayatullah : fakultas Adab dan Humaniora.,

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