PERPUSTAKAAN Prof. Dr. Nurcholish Madjid

UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta

Social Class In Fantasy Novel An Ember In The Ashes

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The unit of analysis in this research is An Ember in the Ashes which is
written by Sabaa Tahir. This research is aimed at finding how the main characters
are described and how their social class are revealed in the story. This research
employs descriptive qualitative method and Marxism Social Class theory to
analyze two main characters of An Ember in the Ashes.
The results show that Laia and Elias have different social class as Laia is
categorized as the proletariat due to her exploitation as a slave, whereas Elias is
categorized as the bourgeoisie due to his status in the society. However, having
experienced of being the proletariat prompted Elias to not become the common
bourgeoisie. He can shift his social class as he is able to empathize with the
proletariat’s struggle and thus to help them by using his knowledge as the
resource. Moreover, the writer also finds out that proletarian collectivism shown
in An Ember in the Ashes does not correspond to the existent theory as the
proletariat in the story do not unite to rally round their fellows. Several factors
such as limited resources and equipment and high risk of being the bourgeoisie’s
cruelty target make the proletariat of An Ember in the Ashes to be more of a group
of individualists than collectivists.
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SKR BSI 2017 007


Fakultas Adab dan Humaniora UIN Syarif Hidayatullah : Jakarta.,

Deskripsi Fisik

viii, 38 hlm.: ilus.







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