PERPUSTAKAAN Prof. Dr. Nurcholish Madjid

UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta

Perkembangan Masjid An-Nur Sebagai Sarana Pembinaan Dakwah Islam Bagi Masyarakat Empang, Bogor 1900-1992 M

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This research analyzes the development of An-Nur Mosque as
facilitation for Islamic da’wah training for society in Empang, Bogor
since 1900-1992. This research is conducted by looking through the
historical development of An-Nur Mosque in Empang, from the
beginning until the mosque is build up for Da’wah training for society
in Empang, Bogor. In Bogor history, Empang region tightly connect to
the present of Habib Abdullah bin Muhsin Al-Attas. During he stayed
in Empang, Habib Abdullah promulgated Islam and then build a
mosque named An-Nur, by hoping it would help his people that always
increased since the arrival at 1895. Based on this assumption, the
research is aimed to describe how was the development of An-Nur
mosque facilitation for Islamic Da’wah training for society in Empang,
Bogor since 1900-1992. The research methodology is historical
research by collecting data (heuristic), erification (critic), interpretation,
and historiography. The data is collected by interviewing Habib
Abdullah’s children and grandchildren, also some figures that
witnessed the dynamics of his da’wah, also from archives, illustration,
and contemporaneous sources. Religion sociology approach is used in
this research, while the theory uses manifest function and latent
function. After conducting studies and research with these methods, it
can be seen that the development of the An-Nur Mosque as a means of
fostering Islamic da'wah for the Empang society has experienced
significant development. This is evidenced by the many activities held
throughout the year, even other benchmarks of success can be seen
from the number of habaib and phenomenal scholars in Jakarta who
have studied at the An-Nur Mosque complex basically representing
scholarship in Empang, Bogor.
IPI2003SKR IPI 2020 03Perpustakaan FAH (Skripsi IPI)Tersedia namun tidak untuk dipinjamkan - No Loan
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