PERPUSTAKAAN Prof. Dr. Nurcholish Madjid

UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta

Analysis Of Louis Bloom’s Psychopath Symptoms In Nightcrawler Film

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This thesis aims to observe the psychopath symptoms on main character’s through abnormal psychology approach in Nightcrawler, a film directed by Dan Gilroy. By using qualitative method and descriptive technique, this research explains about the character and characteristic of Louis through characterization by Boogs and Petrie, characterization of American film by Newman, and Louis’s psychopath through psychopath symptoms list by Cleckley.
Based on the research findings, the writer concludes that Louis tends to exploit others and gives an adverse impact to them, yet his mendacious, emotional, ambitious, lack of empathy and manipulative characteristic help him realize his goal. In addition, the writer mentions that Louis already has a characteristic which refers to a psychopath in the beginning of the film, such as mendacious, manipulative, and lack of empathy. Then, after he becomes a professional journalist and he has an ambition to build a company of television news business, his psychopathic behaviors can be seen more clearly.
Based on the data, the writer finds that is true that Louis is a psychopath and categorized as charismatic psychopath. As a result, Louis covers all criteria of charismatic psychopath such as quick talkers, liars, manipulative, charismatic, smart, no feelings, impulsive, winners, and never wrong.
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