PERPUSTAKAAN Prof. Dr. Nurcholish Madjid

UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta

Humor In Psychological Film, The Voices

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In this research, the writer analyzes film entitled The Voices (2015) which
directed by Marjane Satrapi. Here, in her research, the writer uses descriptive
qualitative in which the data are collected from the pictures and dialogues in the
film, then the writer also analyze the character by using theories of
characterization and followed by analyze purpose of the film that presents
psychological condition by humor by using ideology theory.
Generally, psychological films is associated with unearthly character,
vague and terrify scenes and a lot of violence in the beginning until the end of the
film, whereas it differs from The Voices in which presents humor elements that
showed by Jerry as schizophrenic. Here in the film, Jerry is depicted as cheerful,
energetic and dependable worker in Milton Mixture and Faucet Company.In the
day to day, he lives alone above bowling alley only with his pets that could talk to
him. In the office, Jerry attracted by his colleague from accounting department,
named Fiona. However, a tragedy happened and changes Jerry’s life.
From the data analysis, nearly every film has at least an implied ideology.
In her research, the writer finds out Marjane Satrapi as director tries to escapes
from her comfort zone, it can be seen through The Voices which tells about
psychological whereas previous films that he had ever created tells about
autobiographical and romance. In conclusion, the writer also confirms that the
main purpose The Voices as psychological film presented by humor is purely
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Fakultas Adab dan Humaniora UIN Syarif Hidayatullah : Jakarta.,

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