PERPUSTAKAAN Prof. Dr. Nurcholish Madjid

UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta

Introducing english semantics

Image of Introducing english semantics
This textbook is intended to introduce principles of linguistic semantics at university level. In writing it I have had two groups of students in mind: I hope it will be useful
for imparting a knowledge of semantics to students specializing in linguistics and that it also can be used in a general liberal-arts curriculum, in a course that
leads non-specialists to think about the nature of language as they might otherwise not do. Little or no background
in linguistics is assumed. As the title suggests, the book differs from any other text now in print in its special focus on the English language
and in the attention it gives to the lexical and grammatical devices that English employs to express meanings. Students
should finish the course with a sense of what semantics is about and how semantic analysis is done; they should also have a deeper appreciation of English and of the nature of language in general.
B21229401.43 CHA i c1Perpustakaan FAH (400)Tersedia
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B22077401.43 CHA i c4Perpustakaan FAH (800)Tersedia
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401.43 CHA i


Routledge : USA dan Canada.,

Deskripsi Fisik

ix, 332 hlm; 25 x 17,9 cm







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