PERPUSTAKAAN Prof. Dr. Nurcholish Madjid

UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta

The Analysis Of Politeness Principles Violations Used By The Main Characters In The 21 Jump Street Movie

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The research focuses on violations of politeness principle found in 21
Jump Street movie by using Leech’s theory. The aims of this research are: (1) to
identify the maxims of politeness principle which are being violated in the
dialogues of main characters on 21 Jump Street movie, (2) to know kinds of
pragmatic scales are contained in the dialogues of main characters on 21 Jump
Street movie.
The writer finds that there are some violations by main characters of 21
Jump Street movie, namely Jenko and Schmidt. They utter the dialogues by not
minimize the expression of impolite beliefs and maximize polite beliefs. The
violations of dialogue between them happened in 13 data. Four data violated tact
maxim, one data that violated approbation maxim, one data violated modesty
maxim, four data that violated agreement maxim, two data that violated sympathy
maxim, one data that violated consideration maxim, while the violation of
generosity maxim was not found. In addition, the utterances that convey by them
show the scales of pragmatics. Moreover, pragmatics scales happened in the
dialogues of 21 Jump Street movie are cost benefit scale and optionality scale.
In conclusion, the utterance in a conversation not only needs cooperation
between speaker and hearer, but also it must keep and maintain the social relation.
By using politeness, it can make the conversation runs well. The intimate relation
between Jenko and Schmidt does affect the use of politeness. Instead, the intimate
between them make the violation occurred in several times. Relate to the
pragmatics scales, the dialogues that violate of politeness principle also into to the
impolite utterance.
SI16093TS SBITersedia
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TS SI16093


Fakultas Adab dan Humaniora UIN Syarif Hidayatullah : Jakarta.,

Deskripsi Fisik

viii, 31 hlm.: ilus.







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