PERPUSTAKAAN Prof. Dr. Nurcholish Madjid

UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta

Joy Newsome Defense Mechanisms In Room Film (2015)

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This research is focused on Joy Newsome, one of the main characters in Room
film. It aims to reveal the characterization of Joy Newsome in the film and to reveal
Joy’s psychological condition through psychoanalysis theory by using qualitative
The findings show that Joy Newsome, a 24 years old mother who has a tough
life in “room”, is being trapped for seven years with his son, Jack. She protects her
son from being met with Old Nick for five years. Joy plans to escape from “room”
for her son’s sake. She becomes unconfident about her life compared with other
people. Due to the anxiety, Joy has unbalance personality structure caused by the
domination of Id or Superego. Her anxiety of her surroundings trigger her
depression appears, especially when she gets out of “room”. Joy has done six
defense mechanisms to overcome her anxieties and fortunately, those are enough to
make her better and ready to start a new normal life.
Joy looks stress for facing a new environment after getting out of “room”
which is a place that symbolizes her habitual life. She cannot fully express her
feeling and emotion due to her son’s sake. Furthermore, she uses defense
mechanisms to heal herself. The mechanisms that she used make her survive outside
“room” and she got used to the condition as she was in “room”.
SI17178TS BSITersedia
SI17179TS SI17178Tersedia
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TS SI17178


Fakultas Adab dan Humaniora UIN Syarif Hidayatullah : Jakarta.,

Deskripsi Fisik

viii; 57 hlm; ilus







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