PERPUSTAKAAN Prof. Dr. Nurcholish Madjid

UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta

Acceptability Aspects Of Taboo Terms Translation In Netflix Series Subtitle: Sex Education In Indonesian Translation

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This research aims to analyze the acceptability aspects of taboo terms
translation contained in the subtitle of the Netflix series: Sex Education, which is
focused on the culture aspect in the target language (TL). The researcher began this
research by searching for taboo terms and the translation from subtitle, then put
them based on the taboo terms categorizations popularized by Jay. Then, the
researcher here used interview method which fifteen students of English Literature
Departmenet of UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta are chosen to examine the
acceptability of taboo terms translation, and examined the acceptability
measurement using Nababan's theory that focused on the cultural aspect one.
Interviewees' responds here are available in three levels, which are acceptable, less
acceptable, and unacceptable, also the researcher asked for suggestions for suitable
translation that more acceptable for the TL culture, compared to the translation
translated by official translator from Netflix.
Results show that 155 taboo terms found in SL with their translations and
from 79 interview questions about acceptability that focused on cultural aspect, then
from the fifteen interviewees, the researcher got total 1,185 total responds Less
acceptable and unacceptable responds responded by fifteen interviewees are
included with suggestions to be written on alternative translations in the analysis.
In conclusion, this research got unacceptable as the most responded responds by the
interviewees which got 487 responds, and the suggestions from the interviewees
are written and the researcher picked one most suitable suggestion as the best
replacement to the subtitle from the original translator.
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TS BSI 19016


Fakultas Adab dan Humaniora UIN Syarif Hidayatullah : Jakarta.,

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