PERPUSTAKAAN Prof. Dr. Nurcholish Madjid

UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta

Figurative Language Translation Of Indonesian-English Poems By John H. Mcglynn

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The purpose of this research is to analyze the kinds of figurative language
and the strategy applied in the poems translation. The method of this research is
descriptive qualitative and the data are taken from the three poems of Sapardi
Djoko Damono’s Kuhentikan Hujan, Saat Sebelum Berangkat, and Di Tangan
Anak-anak which translated into English by John H. McGlynn. The researcher
finds that there are ten kinds of figurative language of the fifteen data collected
that used in the three poems. The poems have an irony, three personifications, a
metaphor, a paradox, a synecdoche, a metonymy, two symbols, two allegories,
two allusions and a hyperbole. The strategy of this translation is predominantly
applied literal translation. This strategy implemented by retaining the terms, the
grammatical system and the figurative language of the source language to be used
in the target language. There are twelve data that apply literal translation while the
rest, which presumed not to be appropriate in target language, use another strategy
such as a replacement of vehicle with a different vehicle, a reduction of the
figurative language and a replacement of vehicle with a gloss. This research
concludes that the translator transfers the figurative language of the poems by
thoroughly relate to the shape and the intention of the source poems. The way
how the translator delivered the aim of the source text is by imitating the terms,
the shape of the sentence and the meaning of the source languag
SI19038SKR BSI 19038Perpustakaan FAH (Skrispsi SI)Tersedia namun tidak untuk dipinjamkan - No Loan
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No. Panggil

SKR SI 19038


Fakultas Adab dan Humaniora UIN Syarif Hidayatullah : Jakarta.,

Deskripsi Fisik

xi, 48 hlm.; ilus .; 25 x 18 cm







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