PERPUSTAKAAN Prof. Dr. Nurcholish Madjid

UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta

Destiny And Purpose: Existentialism In The Main Character In Star Wars: The Last Jedi Film

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The research attempts to divulge the conflict that Rey, as the main character, has to endure in which the conflict rooted from her existential crisis that is heavily shown in the Star Wars: The Last Jedi film. To obtain the goal that has been set, the researcher takes a closer look to the character and sees how Rey defines her destiny through her thought, vision and reflection, how other characters influence Rey’s action and her contesting ideas of destiny with Kylo Ren. The researcher also uses a few aspects of cinema study such as mise-en-scène and cinematography, as well as, Sartre’s existentialism concepts such as existence precedes essence and freedom and responsibility. By applying existentialism theories from Jean-Paul Sartre and descriptive qualitative method, the analysis encounters that Star Wars: The Last Jedi film explicitly shows Rey’s hidden desire beneath all the façade that she pulled such as, the desire to belong, the dreaded question of her parentage and the immense power in her. The existentialism issues in Star Wars: The Last Jedi film is Rey’s confusion and trepidation of her future and how to overcome her greatest fear through her thoughts, acts and decisions to define herself amongst others existence. The paper argues that for Rey to define her destiny and purpose, it is achieved through finding herself first and the rest will follow. Starting as a nobody but ends up being a somebody, Rey sets herself a purpose in life after finding herself and understands that nothing can save her but herself
SI19037SKR BSI 19037Perpustakaan FAHTersedia namun tidak untuk dipinjamkan - No Loan
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SKR SI SI19037


Fakultas Adab dan Humaniora UIN Syarif Hidayatullah : Jakarta.,

Deskripsi Fisik

vii,53 hlm.;ilus,25 cm







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