PERPUSTAKAAN Prof. Dr. Nurcholish Madjid

UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta

Semiosis Process Analysis On TIME Magazine Covers Of Donald Trump Edition From 2016 Until 2019

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The objectives of the research are to get the meaning of signs on TIME
magazine’s covers and to explain its semiosis processes. The units of analysis used in
this research are ten covers magazine of TIME from the website ( In
analyzing the semiosis process, the researcher downloaded, printed, and classified
the data. Furthermore, the classified data which contain signs consist of
representamen, object and interpretant will be analyzed using the theory by Charles
Sanders Peirce. The relationship between these three can deliver a clear meaning of a
selected covers magazine. This relationship will create the process which Peirce calls
as a semiosis process. This research focuses on analyzing icons and symbols on the
cover magazine. The researcher found ten icons and ten symbols from the magazine
covers. From those icons and symbols, the researcher got the meaning of TIME
magazine cover, which presents Donald Trump. From the research finding, the
researcher concluded that Donald Trump’s leadership tends to be negative dominant
than positive. The negatives are frightening (picture 2 and 4), causing a lot of chaos
and also disasters for America (picture 3 and 5). He also wants to get high respect
from others (picture 6), decisive (picture 7), disappointing (picture 8), full of desire
(picture 9) and tricky (picture 10). And the positives are a confident and brave leader
(picture 1 and 7). The researcher also found that the pictures (icon) and the languages
(symbol) helps the researcher gets the meaning of covers magazine.
SI19053SKR BSI 19053Perpustakaan FAH (Skrispsi BSI)Tersedia namun tidak untuk dipinjamkan - No Loan
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No. Panggil

SKR BSI 19053


Fakultas Adab dan Humaniora UIN Syarif Hidayatullah : Jakarta.,

Deskripsi Fisik

ix,45 hlm.ilus; 25 x18 cm







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